Monday, September 27, 2010

O Christmas Tree

You can see the MC one here at $795


Anyone that knows me, knows I am a


addict. I collect it, paint it, design with's everywhere throughout my house!
So......when I saw the christmas tree they made with broken shards
I had to have one! Well, not one of theirs at

for an 8" x 21" !!


But I shall make one from my own broken shards for
for a 5 1/2" x 19"

I think it turned out great! I am in love with it and it will
stay out all year round.
Tell me what you think!!

I am linking up with Susan at BNOTP for
Metamorphosis Monday
Won't you stop by there and take a peek at what
other bloghers are doing?

Warm Hugs,